What's New


March 20, 2025. Welcome Prof. Hiroki Yoshida, Kanto Gakuin University, Japan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kiattichai Saitakham, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University, Thailand, Assoc. Prof. Hanane Benali Taouis, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, Assoc. Prof. Yulianeta, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia to join the conference committee.(Click)


March 11, 2025. Welcome Dr. Nurul Huda Binti Hamzah, University of Malaya, Malaysia, Dr. Zakaryia Almahasees, Applied Science Private University, Jordan, Dr. Hanane Benali Taouis, American University of the Middle East, Kuwait to join the conference committee.(Click)


February 07, 2025. Welcome Assoc. Prof. Ai-Ling Wang, Tamkang University to join the conference committee.(Click)


February 26, 2024. The submission deadline has been extended to March 15, 2024. Welcome to submit your articles to the conference ! (Click)


January 10, 2024. The submission deadline has been extended to February 25, 2024. Welcome to submit your articles to the conference ! (Click)


November 21, 2023. The submission deadline has been extended to January 10, 2024. Welcome to submit your articles to the conference ! (Click)


March 21, 2023. The submission deadline has been extended to April 20, 2023. Welcome to submit your articles to the conference ! (Click)


February 22, 2023. The submission deadline has been extended to March 20, 2023. Welcome to submit your articles to the conference ! (Click)


January 10, 2023. Because of coronavirus, the conference dates will be extended to June 23-25, 2023 after rigorous contemplation and discussion. Sorry for the inconvenience may cause you.


November 22, 2022. The submission deadline has been extended to December 20, 2022. Welcome to submit your articles to the conference ! (Click)


October 28, 2022. Welcome Asst. Prof. A. Kavitha, Ethiraj College for Women, India to join the conference committee.(Click)


October 20, 2022. The submission deadline has been extended to November 20, 2022. Welcome to submit your articles to the conference ! (Click)


September 26, 2022. The submission deadline has been extended to October 20, 2022. Welcome to submit your articles to the conference ! (Click)


January 06, 2022. Prof. Ana Maria Marques da Costa Pereira Lopes, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal confirms to give speech at ICLLA 2022.(Click)


December 17, 2021. Welcome Assoc. Prof. Yan Zhou, Shandong Jianzhu University, China to join the conference committee.(Click)


December 01, 2021. In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to December 20, 2021.(Click)


November 27, 2021. News! Assoc. Prof. Nattama Pongpairoj, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand confirms to give invited speaker in ICLLA 2022. (Click)

November 05, 2021. News! Warm welcome Assoc. Prof. Junkai LI,Tianjin University, China to join the conference committee. (Click)


November 03, 2021. News! The submission deadline is extended to November 30, 2021. Welcome to submit your paper to ICLLA 2022.

September 22, 2021. News! The submission deadline is extended to October 30, 2021. Welcome to submit your paper to ICLLA 2022.

May 24, 2021. News! The 2022 9th International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Arts (ICLLA 2022) will be held in Nishinippon Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan during January 29-31, 2022.

December 01, 2020. News! The submission deadline is extended to December 20, 2020. Welcome to submit your paper to ICLLA 2021. 

November 09, 2020. News! Welcome Dr. Nurul Huda Binti Hamzah, University of Malaya, Malaysia to to join in the techncial committee of ICLLA 2021. 

October 31, 2020. News! The submission deadline is extended to November 30, 2020. Welcome to submit your paper to ICLLA 2021. 

October 1, 2020. News! The submission deadline is extended to October 30, 2020. Welcome to submit your paper to ICLLA 2021. 

July 28, 2020. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Nobuko Tahara, Okayama University, Japan to join in the techncial committee of ICLLA 2021.

July 10, 2020. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Yulianeta, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia to deliver the Invited speech at ICLLA 2021.

July 09, 2020. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Ai-Ling Wang, Assoc. Prof. Arbaayah Ali Termizi and Prof. Chia-Ling Hsieh etc. to join in the techncial committee of ICLLA 2021.

April 10, 2020. News! ICLLA 2021 submission is open now. Welcome your submission. Check Now!

January 09, 2020. News! ICLLA 2020 was successfully held in Dong A University, Da Nang, Vietnam. Check Now!

October 06, 2019. News! The submission deadline has been extended to November 05, 2019. Welcome to submit articles to ICLLA 2020.

September 23, 2019. News! Welcome Prof. Hao Chang, Assoc. Prof. Lixun Wang, Assoc. Prof. Smita Sahgal and Assoc. Prof. Ai-Ling Wang etc. to join in the techncial committee of ICLLA 2020.

September 06, 2019. News! The submission deadline has been extended to October 05, 2019. Welcome to submit articles to ICLLA 2020.

August 31, 2019. News! The special issue for ICLLA 2019 has been published. Check Now!

July 29, 2019. News! Welcome Prof. Budsaba Kanoksilapatham from Silpakorn University, Thailand to deliver the keynote speech at ICLLA 2020.

June 06, 2019. News! The papers accepted by ICLLA 2019 have been published on special issue in IJLLL. 

June 16, 2019. News! Welcome Prof. Tomokazu Nakayama from Jissen Women’s University, Japan to deliver the keynote speech at ICLLA 2020.

May 10, 2019. News! Welcome Sam Minh Luong from Dong A University, Viet Nam to serve as the conference chair.

April 21, 2019. News! Co-organized by Dong A unvierstiy, ICLLA 2020 will be held in Da Nang, Vietnam from January 06-08, 2020. Welcome to attend the conference.

Previous News

January 25, 2019. News! The conference full program is ready now. 

January 03, 2019. News! The speech title and abstract for Prof. Tomokazu Nakayama has been updated.

November 16, 2018. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Marlina L. Lino, Asst. Prof. R. Daniel Rubaraj, Dr. Prayaas Chaturvedi and Dr. Alla Meyerovich to join in the conference committee.

November 01, 2018. News! The submission deadline has been extended to November 30, 2018.

October 30, 2018. News! Welcome Prof. Quan Wang from Beihang University, China to join in the conference technical committee.

October 11, 2018. News! The speech title and abstract has been updated for Prof. Michelle Kawamura.

October 01, 2018. News! The submission deadline has been extended to October 31, 2018.

September 04, 2018. News! Welcome Prof. Tomokazu Nakayama from Jissen Women’s University, Japan to serve as the confernece program chair of ICLLA 2019.

September 01, 2018. News! Welcome Prof. Michelle Kawamura from Ritsumeikan University, Japan to serve as the confernece chair of ICLLA 2019.

July 27, 2018. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Yi-jou Lo, Assoc. Prof. Yuhuan Wang to join in the conference committee.

April 19, 2018. News! ICLLA 2019 will be held in Singapore during January 28-30, 2019.

January 22, 2018. News! The conference program is ready now. 

January 09, 2018. News! The speech title and abstract for Prof. Tomokazu Nakayama has been updated.

October 26, 2018. News! The submission deadline has been extended to 25 Nov., 2017. Welcome to submit manuscript to ICLLA 2018.

September 26, 2018. News! The 2nd submission round has been opened for ICLLA 2018. Welcome to submit manuscript to ICLLA 2018.

July 21, 2018. News! ICLLA 2018 will be held in Hoam Faculty House of Seoul National University.

July 10, 2018. News! Welcome the editor-in-chief of journal IJLLL Assoc. Prof. Jason Miin-Hwa Lim from University Malaysia Sabah to deliver a keynote speech at ICLLA 2018.

June 10, 2018. News! Welcome Prof. Tomokazu Nakayama from Jissen Women’s University, Japan to deliver a keynote speech at ICLLA 2018.

June 01, 2018. News! ICLLA 2018 will be held in Seoul, South Korea during January 27-29, 2018.

February 9, 2017. News! ICLLA 2017 conference program (full version) is available now. 

December 7, 2016. News! Welcome Emmanuel Nikiema and Lyudmila Atanasova to join ICLLA 2017 technical committee.

November 21, 2016. News! ICLLA 2017 submission deadline has been extended to December 20, 2016.  October 26, 2016. News! ICLLA 2017 will be held in EdenStar Saigon Hotel, Ho Chi Minh City.

October 11, 2016. News! ICLLA 2017 submission deadline has been extended to Novembe 20, 2016.

October 5, 2016. News! Welcome Prof. Mohd Nazri Bin Latiff Azmi from Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia to deliver a plenary speech in ICLLA 2017.

July 28, 2016. News! Welcome Dr Fugen Toksoz to join ICLLA 2017 technical committee.

May 12, 2016. News! ICLLA 2017 submission is open.

March 1, 2016. News! ICLLA 2016 has been successfully held in Taichung, Taiwan.

February 6, 2016. News! ICLLA 2016 conference program is available now. 

December 17, 2015. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Fiona Gail Tomkinson from English Language and Literature Department, Yeditepe University, Turkey to join the ICLLA2016 technical committee.

December 17, 2015. News! Welcome Dr. Ismael N. Talili from Mindanao University of Science and Technology, Philippine to join the ICLLA2016 technical committee.

October 8, 2015. News! The conference venue is available now.

May 7, 2015. News! ICLLA 2016 call for paper now.

January 14, 2015. News! The conference program is available now. 

December 11, 2014. News! Welcome Prof. Pekka Leviäkangas from University of Oulu to deliver a keynote speech at the conference.

December 10, 2014. News! Welcome Dr. YIP MUM WAI to deliver a keynote speech at the conference.

November 14, 2014. News! Welcome Associate Prof. Yilun Shang from Department of Mathematics, Tongji University to join the international technical committee.

October 20, 2014. News! The submission deadlin has extended to: November 20, 2014.

July 16, 2014. News! The conference venue is available now. 

June 10, 2014. News! 2015 4th International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Arts will be held during Feb 4-5,2015 in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei.

23 January, 2014 News! The conference program is available.

27 December,2013 News! The last round notifications have been sent.

10 December, 2013 News! The submission is closed.

5 December, 2013 News! Professor Donald Chang would be invited be the keynote speaker.

1 November, 2013 News! Prof. Shaofeng Liu would be invited as the keynote speaker.

30 October, 2013 News! The first round notifications have been sent.

10 October, 2013 News! The second round submission deadline: December 10, 2013.

9 August, 2013 News! The conference venue is available now.