Organized by Silpakorn University, Thailand, and supported by Jissen
Women’s University, Japan, the 10th International Conference on
Linguistics, Literature and Arts (ICLLA 2023) successfully took
place in a hybrid format—both onsite and online—on June 23-25, 2023,
in Bangkok, Thailand.
On behalf of the conference chair and the organizing committee, we
would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the authors,
program committee members, and reviewers. Your exceptional
expertise, dedication, and hard work enabled us to craft a
high-quality program and contributed to the success of the
We hope that all participants and readers of the proceedings found
the conference to be scientifically enriching and stimulating. We
also hope that it served as a platform for fruitful discussions and
valuable networking opportunities.
Finally, we invite you to relive the wonderful moments from ICLLA
2023. We hope these memories remain as vivid and unforgettable as
they were during the event.
Conference Speakers
Prof. Aldert Vrij, University of Portsmouth, UK |
Prof. Budsaba Kanoksilapatham, Silpakorn University, Thailand |
Prof. Tomokazu Nakayama, Jissen Women’s University, Japan |
Assoc. Prof. Nattama Pongpairoj, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand |
Assoc. Prof. Vitor Santos Teixeira, University of Saint Joseph, China |
Prof. Farzaneh Haratyan, Suzhou University, China |
Technical Session Group |
After keynote session, there were 4 technical sessions. The topics were related to Literary Works Analysis and Literary Translation Studies; Linguistic Study and Psychology; Psychology and Mental Health; Educational Innovation, Linguistics and Literary Analysis. Accepted and registered papers will be published into the upcoming issues of IJLLL and available at:, which will be indexed by Google Scholar, Crossref, CNKI.
Each parallel session went through smoothly and a “Best Presentation” award was issued at the end of sub-conference, with the support of session chairs.